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The Never-Ending Birthday

Birthday. Birth – “day”. The one day that is all about you. Well, the one day that it’s supposed to be all about you.

Unfortunately, Matilda woke up on her birthday with a fever and threw up first thing. Not a great start to the day that’s supposed to be all about you.

Getting sick sucks. But getting sick on your birthday really sucks.

Getting sick sucks. But getting sick on your birthday really sucks.

Fortunately, she had already had one birthday party at her aunt’s house.

But two dozen expensive cupcakes had been ordered to bring into school for celebration with her friends. Guess that wasn’t happening.

Hand, foot, and mouth had been making the rounds and my little Princess had taken her turn. Coxsackie is a nasty virus that causes fever then really painful sores to develop -often in the back of the mouth and throat. We knew for sure when she would cry every time she tried to take a bite of food or a sip of something to drink.

I’ve written a lot about her getting sick; and she has gotten sick more than her fair share. As a matter of fact, she had sinus infection and tonsillitis with two rounds of antibiotics in February alone. Poor girl. Couldn’t she catch a break on her birthday?

Nope, and neither could Dad. And I was looking at at least another week out of school. Poor me. Welcome to my pity party. Oh wait, this isn’t about me. See how I do that?

By the time she was feeling better on Tuesday we happened to have her well child appointment at the pediatrician. Afterward we stopped for a cupcakes so we could celebrate at home and she could open some presents.

At this point her birthday had technically lasted 12 days.

She was back at school on Thursday. Friday was a day off for teacher conferences. Too cool for schoolShe was healthy again on Monday, so we planned to bring in her cupcakes on Wednesday.

And with a little bit of luck, and some new medication, we had a party on Wednesday. The expensive cupcake shop agreed to let us delay, and they were delivered: 24 vanilla cupcakes with pink frosting and hot-pink sprinkles.

Which brought her birth-day total to 20 days.

But you know what?

Matilda didn’t seem to mind one bit.

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Mr. Baby Daddy

Just don't call me Mr. Mom